Fee list for zoning applications and permits

Zoning Fee Schedule (PDF)

Note: You will receive detailed instruction regarding payment of fees after the submission of your complete zoning application(s). If you have questions regarding zoning fees, please contact ZoningHelp@HCFL.gov.

No hearing required

The following applications and permits do not require a hearing.

Administrative application


Administrative Waiver


Alcoholic Beverage License Sign-off1


Alcoholic Beverage License Sign-off - Temporary2


Alcoholic Beverage Permit (Wet Zoning) No Separation Waiver Required


Affordable Housing Verification


Conditional Uses (including temporary mobile homes)


Conditional Use (Wireless Communication Facility - includes expert review fee)


Fee Waiver Review


Minor Change - Planned Development District


Nonconformity Review (Other than nonconforming lot review)


Non Conforming Lot Review


Sexually Oriented Business License (Business)


Sexually Oriented Business License Renewal (Business)


Sexually Oriented Business License (Employee)


Sexually Oriented Business Renewal License (Employee)


Zoning Interpretations


Zoning Verifications


Hearing required

The following applications will be presented at hearings.


New application fee

Revised second resubmission fee

Alcoholic Beverage Permit (Wet Zoning) Separation Waiver Required3



Appeal of Administrative Decision to LUHO



Appeal of LUHO Decision to Appeals Board



Land Development Code Text Amendments (Privately Initiated)



Major Modification - Planed Development District4



Minor Modification – Planned Development District3, 5



Planned Development (Rezoning)



Standard District (Rezoning)4



Special Uses4



Special Use (Land Excavation)4



Special Use (Wireless Communication Facility - includes Expert Review Fee)4



Street/Rights-Of-Way Vacation (Zoning Review)






Variances to Wetland Setbacks4



Vested Rights, Original Permit



Vested Rights, Approved Permit Extension




  • 1 - No charge for the first Sign-Off when submitted along with a Special Use - Alcoholic Beverage application (Waiver or not waiver required)
  • 2 - No charge for the first Sign-Off if submitted along with a Conditional Use for a Neighborhood fair application
  • 3 - includes sign posting fee
  • 4 - Includes review fees, if applicable for Sign Posting, EPC, Fire & Planning Commission - Grand Oaks fees also included for Planned Development's
  • 5 - includes EPC review fee
  • Fastrack Surcharge Fee is 25% above the listed fee and requires management authorization to proceed

Refund requests

If you decide to withdraw your application, you may be entitled to a refund. Refund amounts will be calculated based on the processing stage the application has reached when the withdrawn request is received in writing as outlined in DRPM Section 2.4.

Last Modified: 8/22/2024, 2:53:12 PM

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