If you wish to sell sparklers from a tent or in-store, you will need a permit from the Fire Marshal's office
See fee schedule.
Things to consider
- Per State Statute 791, you can only sell sparklers from June 20 through July 5 and December 10 through January 2
- You can’t make any products available for public display or sale until after midnight of the start and finish of each season
- Sparkler permits are good for one calendar year, only on the dates listed above
- You must keep the validated receipt and a copy of the permit application packet at the site
- We issue tent permits for 30 days at a time not to exceed 180 days
- You must submit a tent permit application a minimum of five business days prior to setup date
- The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) has the right to deny this permit and any future permits if you do not follow any of the above requirements
- This permit is for the tent and state-approved sparklers only
- All Consumer Fireworks Retail Sales facilities shall meet all requirements set forth in the Florida Fire Prevention Code, current edition.
Site requirements
- A minimum of 10 feet between the tent and any structures
- A minimum of 10 feet between stake lines
How to
- Download the application
- Complete and submit:
- By email
- By mail or in person to:
Hillsborough County Fire Marshal’s Office
Attn: Jadi Flores or Betty Rodriguez
9450 E. Columbus Dr.
Tampa, FL 33619
*Fillable forms may not work with many browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.) - if you have issues with the form, do one of the following:
- Download the form to your computer and open it up with a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Download the printable version of the form, print it, and fill out by hand
What's next
- Turn in the permit application at least five business days prior to tent setup
- We will process the application
- Our inspectors will come out and see the area where you want to set up the tent
- If approved, the inspector will give you the permit at the inspection
If you are not selling sparklers, you need to apply for a Tent permit.
Get help
Department: Fire Rescue - Fire Marshal's Office
Email: firemarshal@hcfl.gov
Phone: (813) 744-5541