Sign up to speak during the public portion of the hearing

The Land Use Hearing Officer (LUHO) sets aside a total of 15 minutes each per side (applicant/witness and opposition) during a public hearing to hear from the public. To sign up to participate, complete the Public Comment Signup Form and indicate whether you would like to participate virtually or in-person. Please note that the 15 minutes is allocated to the public as a whole, so large groups may wish to designate a spokesperson.

The Land Use Hearing Officer will call on speakers by name in the order in which they have submitted the online Public Comment Signup Form, depending on the application(s) to which each speaker signed up to speak. Call submissions for the public hearing will close 30 minutes prior to the start of the hearing.

About the hearing

The hybrid format means that interested parties can participate in the public hearing virtually or in-person.

Virtual participation

  • Is equal to in-person participation
  • Must have a device such as a tablet or a computer equipped with a camera and microphone  that will enable you to be seen (video) and heard (audio) by the Land Use Hearing Officer during the public hearing
  • Must complete a Public Comment Signup Form
  • You will be able to provide oral testimony to the Land Use Hearing Officer, but you can't submit documentary evidence during the public hearing. You must submit any documentary evidence you wish to be considered at least two business days prior to the Land Use Hearing Officer. See the Testimony and evidence section below for more information.

In-person participation

  • The format and procedures for in-person participation may differ from a traditional hearing
  • You are encouraged to complete a Public Comment Signup Form in advance, however it is not required.

Testimony and other evidence

All interested parties wishing to submit testimony or other evidence for the record in this matter must submit such in at least one of the following ways:

  1. In writing to the office of the Zoning Administrator at least 14 days prior to the hearing in order to be given consideration in the preparation of Development Services Staff’s Final Report to the Land Use Hearing Officer
  2. In writing to the office of the Zoning Administrator at least two business days prior to the hearing in order to be included as part of the record of that hearing
  3. Spoken or in writing* during the public hearing before the Land Use Hearing Officer
    *Parties opting to participate virtually must submit any written or documentary evidence they would like to have considered via options 1 and 2 above

Testimony or evidence submitted prior to the hearing should be addressed to the attention of the Land Use Hearing Officer and delivered as follows:

  1. Hand-delivered to County Center, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33602
  2. Mailed to P.O. Box 1110, Tampa, FL 33601
  3. Emailed by attaching testimony and/or evidence documents to

All documentation submitted must reference the application number


For questions or additional information related to providing public input, call (813) 307-4739.

Signup to Speak at a LUHO Hearing

I want to submit a written public comment (I do NOT want to speak)

Last Modified: 8/27/2024, 1:00:30 PM

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