How to obtain records related to buildings and properties within unincorporated Hillsborough County

Search for the following types of records:

  • Zoning – Current zoning districts (permitted land uses) and development standards
  • Site/Subdivision – Review of the project location and its surrounding area to determine suitability. Site focuses on commercial/industrial projects (apartments included) while subdivision focuses on residential projects
  • Building Permitting – Permitting of construction projects
  • Code Compliance – Cases of possible code violations and investigation results

Development Services maintains most development-related records. Follow the steps below to start your search.

Searching for a single or multiple records

A single record for a parcel of land
Multiple records for a parcel of land

Record search fee

There is no charge to access documents available online. However, document research conducted by staff may incur the following:

  • If the research takes 30 minutes or less, it will be provided free of cost. However, if it takes longer than 30 minutes, you will be charged the hourly wage of the lowest-paid person who can complete the work.
  • The first 10 pages of paper copies are free. If you require more than 10 pages, you will be charged $0.15 per page.
  • CDs and DVDs will be charged at the rate of $1-2 each
  • If the total cost of your request is $49 or less, you can make the payment at the time of picking up the records.
  • If the cost exceeds $50, you will need to pay in advance before any work is conducted.

Last Modified: 7/30/2024, 9:19:02 PM

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