Need a place for your dog to get rid of some energy? Find a dog park near you!

Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation maintained dog parks

The locations listed on the map and below are maintained by the Hillsborough County Parks & Recreation department. 

The do's and don’ts of the dog park

Know before you go:

  • Does your dog do well off the leash?
  • Is your dog social?
  • Has your dog had regular, positive interaction with other dogs?
  • Is your dog current with vaccinations?

First-time visitor tips

  • Visit the park at non-peak hours. Weekends, early morning, and late afternoon are the busiest
  • It may take several visits before your dog feels comfortable with the dog-park setting – let them have time to adjust
  • Supervise your dog closely at all times to prevent aggressive or inappropriate behavior

Entering and exiting the park

  • Only one dog is allowed in the dog park transition entrance – do not enter if someone is in that area
  • Remove your dog’s leash in the transition area before entering the unleashed park
  • Quickly move away from the entrance and toward an open area of the park to help disperse groups of dogs that may come over to greet you and your dog

At the dog park

  • Declared dangerous or aggressive dogs are prohibited in the park
  • Dogs showing aggression toward people or other dogs will be removed from the park at the request of on-site park staff
  • Children less than 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult
  • Clean up after your pet. Scoop bags are provided at all Hillsborough County dog parks
  • Food, either dog or human, is not permitted
  • If your dog digs a hole, fill the hole immediately
  • Keep your dog leashed at all times while outside the fenced dog park area. Allowing dogs off-leash outside the fenced area violates the County’s leash law
  • Ask the owner’s permission before approaching their dog
  • Use caution when permitting curious dogs to greet yours
  • Stay alert at all times. Dogs may run into people standing around, causing injury to both dog and person
  • Dogs that bark persistently could be a nuisance, and if requested, dog and owner should leave the park

Rules are posted at each dog park. Please read and obey the rules.

Prevent an accident before it happens

  • Play Time: Be aware that dogs have different play styles, temperaments, and physical abilities. Respect the wishes of the owner, and be prepared to move to another area with your dog
  • Posture: Dog body language can communicate fear, hostility, or submission. Learn to read and respond to your dog’s posture and body language
  • Possession: Whether it’s you, a toy, or a treat, dogs will protect what’s theirs. Please refrain from bringing toys to the park, including small splash pools. Leaving these items at home helps to create a neutral ground for all owners and their pets.
  • Provoking: If your dog is provoking other dogs or people leave the park

Keep the dog park safe and clean for everyone to enjoy. 

If your dog inflicts an injury

The dog's owner must give their name and phone number to the owner of the injured dog before leaving the area Owners are legally and financially responsible for their dog's behavior and any injuries, damages or loss their dog may cause.

For more information contact (813) 744-5595.

Top Image Caption: Paws and bones metal art at a dog park
Last Modified: 8/20/2024, 4:55:27 PM

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